
The Berkeley Group’s approach to sustainability is to develop the homes and places of the future without compromising the ability of younger generations to meet their needs. 

We transform challenging and complex brownfield sites into welcoming and sustainable places, with homes and amenities for all. By reviving neglected and underused land, we can return it to community use and create neighbourhoods that have social, environmental, economic and commercial value. 

Through our Sustainability Strategy, we take action to reduce the long-term impacts of both our operations and the places we build, running our business efficiently and considerately and developing sustainable homes and places.


aligned science-based targets for carbon reduction validated by the SBTi


acres of new or improved habitat to be created on Biodiversity Net Gain sites


large-scale regeneration sites with a community plan in place

A List

current CDP rating shows we are leaders in climate action and transparency

Our Approach to Sustainability

Within our Sustainability Strategy we have set out five focus areas. Three of these have been identified as being of strategic importance to the Berkeley Group and are therefore integrated within our business strategy, Our Vision 2030. Click on each area to see how we promote sustainability in our day-to-day business activities and through the homes and places we create.
An exterior image of Kidbrooke Village with the Our Vision 2030 logo

Climate Action

We are reducing our carbon emissions by driving progress towards our science-based targets and ensuring that our homes, places and business operations are resilient to the impacts of climate change. This focus area is a strategic priority within our business strategy, Our Vision 2030.

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An image of the town square at Kidbrooke Village with the Our Vision 2030 logo


We focus on bringing unloved and underused spaces back to life, unlocking a mix of social, environmental, economic and commercial value that benefits all of our stakeholders and that create strong communities that can thrive over time. This focus area is a strategic priority within our business strategy, Our Vision 2030. 

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An image of a pond and grassland with the Our Vision 2030 logo


We believe that a new development should add to nature, instead of taking away. We take action to deliver biodiversity net gain on all our new developments and we are broadening our approach to nature so that projects can begin to achieve environmental net gain. This focus area is a strategic priority within our business strategy, Our Vision 2030. 

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Sustainability - Environmental Management

Environmental Management

We ensure our environmental management practices on site go beyond best practice, thus minimising the risks to the environment and the local community. 

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Sustainability - Resources


We are driving progress towards our waste management and resource efficiency targets. We also focus on partnering with our suppliers and peers to drive positive change across the value chain.

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Better Society Awards 2024: Environment Award

Berkeley was recognised for the positive impact we are delivering to the environment, including our work with Buro Happold on embodied carbon. 

National Sustainability Awards 2023: Conservation Award

The cross-sector awards celebrate ‘the pioneers of sustainability’ across the UK. Berkeley received this award following a year-long pilot project exploring how to deliver water neutrality on a large-scale development within a water stressed area. 

Green Apple Environment Awards

Two of our developments won Green Apple Awards for their approach to nature. At Trent Park this was given for the improvements made for habitat and biodiversity, whilst The Green Quarter won the award for environmental best practice.  


We believe it is important to collaborate with others in our industry to drive innovation and best practice and to identify common solutions for the defining challenges of our generation. We are therefore active members and supporters of a range of collaborative initiatives and membership bodies including.
Our Vision, Business for Ambition Logo
Our Vision, Get Nature Positive Logo
Berkeley Group, Sustainability - UK GBC Gold
Our Vision, Communities, Quality of Life
Our Vision, Supply Chain, SCSSP
Berkeley Group, Sustainability, WWT Blue Recovery

Supporting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Berkeley Group is committed to helping to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We have identified the six goals to the right as being most relevant to us, based on a review of our business activities and value chain against the goals and their underlying targets.

We consider that we have the greatest opportunity to contribute to the achievement of these six goals, particularly through the implementation of the Our Vision 2030 business strategy.

Berkeley, Sustainability - UNSDG 11
Berkeley, Sustainability - UNSDG 8
Berkeley, Sustainability - UNSDG 15
Berkeley, Sustainability - UNSDG 13
Berkeley, Sustainability - UNSDG 9
Berkeley, Sustainability - UNSDG 12
Sustainability - Our Vision

Our Vision

Our approach to sustainability is integrated into our ambitious business strategy, called Our Vision 2030. We provide performance updates on our sustainability-related and other commitments.

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Sustainability - Sustainability Reports and Disclosures

Sustainability Reports and Disclosures

Key sustainability documents published by the Berkeley Group, including sustainability performance reports, carbon and climate change disclosures.

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Sustainability - Governance and Management

Sustainability Governance and Management

Our governance and management processes put our sustainability commitments at the centre of how we operate. They set out clear lines of responsibility, and detail sustainability actions and targets for each business function.

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